Welcome to Kitchen Kat!

I love writing. I love food. Those are two interests that have stayed constant throughout my life. So why not combine the two? Perfect! Trying out different food is like almost like traveling; you get to experience different smells, tastes, and atmospheres. It brings a bit of the culture to you, even if you didn't leave your home. This blog explores Portland restaurants (plus any notable ones I encounter on vacation), recipes that worked out exceptionally for me, plus any other epicurean delights that come my way. Put any reservations aside, now it's time to chow down on some food for thought....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Yay for CSA!

Alex and I joined a CSA ("Community Supported Agriculture"), Hood River Organic, to be exact. It's pretty exciting, we get a box full of seasonal produce every two weeks. We got our first delivery last week, and it included a loaf of bread, farm-fresh eggs, turnips, mixed greens, spinach, potatoes, button mushrooms, sunchokes, and crimini mushrooms.
Each box is a surprise, and it will force me to eat things I wouldn't normally buy, such as sunchokes.
The price really isn't that bad, especially split between two people: $299 for ten boxes. You can choose to have it delivered either every week, or every other week. There are many CSAs in the Portland area, but I chose this one because 1) it delivered, and 2) it provided more variety than just produce--you might get bread, or eggs, or cheese in addition to fruits and vegetables. Everything is locally produced, I think the farthest it comes from is Seattle, and most likely organic, even if it hasn't been officially certified. So I'm pretty excited about it.
Check out Hood River Organic.

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