Welcome to Kitchen Kat!

I love writing. I love food. Those are two interests that have stayed constant throughout my life. So why not combine the two? Perfect! Trying out different food is like almost like traveling; you get to experience different smells, tastes, and atmospheres. It brings a bit of the culture to you, even if you didn't leave your home. This blog explores Portland restaurants (plus any notable ones I encounter on vacation), recipes that worked out exceptionally for me, plus any other epicurean delights that come my way. Put any reservations aside, now it's time to chow down on some food for thought....

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Garden in Depth

So I promised more photos of my garden, and here they are. Recently, as you would know if you live in Portland, it's been frickin' hot!! This is bad if you live in an un-air conditioned apartment like I do, but excellent for the plants, as long as you remember to water them. I remembered. As a result, they've all undergone quite a growth spurt, and little tiny vegetables are visible on most of the plants, so now I actually know what I planted.
As you can see, my chives have gone to flower. But that's not a bad thing, as the flowers are quite pretty, and the plant will regenerate itself.
Here on the left is a portrait of my first zucchini. It was small but perfectly shaped. I haven't cooked it yet.
Finally, pictured below are the previously mentioned broccoli and peas, still in the wild:I discovered a problem today with the broccoli, though. One plant appears to be infested with those disgusting gray bugs that look like scales. I really hope they don't infect my other plants. That would be disaster. The peas are all beautiful though. Ah, lavender. My plants are still small, but even a little lavender is lovely. (How corny do I sound?)

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